Hǣlan – the state of being hal or whole, deriv. heal and health

Coaching and holistic leadership, health and wellbeing

We all need to come to our senses.

Being a senior leader and professional can be isolating, tough and messy.  In today’s hectic digital world, stress and distraction can diminish both work and joy.

Using our multidisciplinary expertise and extensive experience in health and care,

our aim is inspire you to think creatively, lead authentically and stay healthy, while serving others. 

We are committed to supporting well-being, self-discovery and unlocking individual and organisational potential through connecting the mind, body and heart.

A tree lives on its roots. If you change the root, you change the tree.  Jane Hirshfield

Nature is a mirror to life, with its cycles of growth, change, and renewal. Just as forests weather the storms, we too embrace sunshine, seasons and rain in our lives.

Our coaching is not about carrying on; it is about moving from reactive to proactive, to take the vital steps you need.

We care for those who care and we’re here to bring holism back.

The complex and uncertain world around us means recognising our relational, emotional, intellectual and physical needs, feeling connected to others and something larger than ourselves, and listening to our own inner compass is vital. 

At Hǣlan, we take a professional yet relaxed approach to personal, professional and organisational development, encouraging you to dig deeper and think differently on a journey of self-discovery. 

We work with the whole you, to help you align with your strengths. Whatever you feel needs attention is right for coaching.

By putting the whole human back in healthcare, organisations can achieve savings estimated at £4-12,000 per UK employee1.

Building strong relational, emotional, intellectual and physical roots in healthy soil, your actions are more likely to bear fruit.

Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their mind cannot change anything. George Bernard Shaw.

Feedback from clients is that the right mix of listening, encouragement, stretch, empathy, creativity, practical tools and intuitive guidance creates profound breakthroughs, helping you uncover hidden strengths, overcome hurdles and create actionable plans. 

Whether its learning new skills, managing a complex project, changing patterns of behaviours or becoming a new you, we can help you turn things around.